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Sassy Ladies Shopping Night Out [Eventcombo Recap]

Sassy Ladies Shopping Night Out [Eventcombo Recap]

May 19, 2016 Michelle A. Lee

In case you missed it, here is a recap of the Sassy Ladies Shopping Night Out event, which took place in Tarrytown, New York!

Events to Remember, had their 6th annual Sassy Ladies Shopping Night Out. It was a night filled with socializing, shopping, and new experiences. The event, which took place on April 8 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, was geared toward women of all ages who were encouraged to express their sassiness, liveliness, boldness, and free spirit towards fashion as they shopped till they dropped. Attendees were able to walk the pink carpet and check out the newest trends for 2016, as well as enjoy yummy food, wine tastings, and a cash bar. There was over 50 vendors offering unique and fabulous products (handbags, jewelry, spa/wellness services). proceeds of these sales were donated to United For The Troops, a non-profits organization providing extra amenities for the brave men and women serving overseas.

Euro Laser Services, CruiseOne Chris Caulfiled, D. Bertoline & Sons, and Sweets by Smooches sponsored Sassy Ladies Shopping Night Out. Incentives included a Chic Eco-Friendly gift bag filled with goodies to the first 200 women to buy a ticket, a Coach Handbag as the grand prize raffle ticket entry, and complementary hourly raffle give-a-ways. Chereese Jervis-Hill – the president and founder of Events to Remember said the event was very successful this year thanks to the various vendors they were able to secure. “Our vendors had a great selection of items to choose from, and at the end of the say, we are able to help United for the Troops with products our Sassy Ladies donated to them…it was a fabulous day!” she said.

If interested in attending the next Sassy Ladies Night Out, or receive more information about the organization itself, you can contact Chreese Jervis-Hill at EventsCJH@eventsremember.com

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